Where there’s a will there’s a way

A big thanks goes out to our good friend in Kyiv, Wlad (US7IGN) for sending us some more great pictures. This time it’s his indoor grown potatoes, from harvest to serving!

We seem to forget that to garden you don’t actually have to have a physical garden and Wlad proves this point really well with this great little harvest of potatoes which they look tasty too! All served with a bit of tasty dill that he grew indoors too.

And Wlad has written a great book which we featured (here) a while ago called War Diaries: A Radio Amateur in Kyiv which is available here. It’s a great read and well worth getting, even if you’re not interested in ham radio. Cheers for the photographs Wlad and hope you’re bearing up well out there.

More lovable spikey tops

If you remember recently, we had a post about cacti after our friend in Ukraine, Wlad (US7IGN) sent us some pictures of his cacti here. A big thanks to Debby H for passing on some great pictures from her friends in Arizona of some super examples of cacti out there.

The pictures she passed on include a couple from the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum near to Tucson which looks such a great place. See more about their cacti garden and the many interesting plants they have here and here.

Thanks again to Debby H for passing on the pictures and we’ll post up another couple later this week. All we can say cacti are great!

Cacti calling…

Another big thanks to our friend in Kyiv, Wlad (US7IGN) for sending us some pictures of his cacti. As Wlad told us “They have been making me happy for the last 10 years and there’s never any problems with them.” Great stuff Wlad and great pictures, they are appreciated as always!

Over the years we’ve posted up a few pictures of cacti, in this case more of a succulent in our back garden (below) that flowered for one day only back in 2018 here.

And in 2014, Nic G The Fellow Traveller from California sent us a pic of a cactus in his landlord’s (Mr Gonzales) garden here. Crazy stuff!

Also from 2014 Haji Mike from the beautiful island of Cyprus wrote a piece called Reggae and the Cactus here. Here’s the mentioned well-traveled cactus (below).

And the final one from 2014 (seemed to be a good year for cacti stories) is from Nic Egan artist (Including the cover art of The Clash’s “White Man In Hammersmith Palais” and “Tommy Gun”) and film director from his garden in Hollywood here. How we actually once met Nic Egan in 1978 is a mad story, it’s one where he saved our bacon so to speak, the full story being here.

And here’s another cacti, one more recently here from Debby H in north London of a flowering cactus she owns which looks great.

Cacti are great and thanks to Wlad and everybody again for sending in their pics over the years! Do remember that it is going to be a bit nippy this evening around these parts and possibly where you are so don’t forget the frost protection.

Our friends in Kyiv

A big thanks as always to our good friend Wlad (US7IGN) in Kyiv for sending us some more excellent pictures. The first is his Dill seedlings (above) that look like they’re doing very well.

Wlad also wrote of the other plants he started off as well “The garlic also remained small for a long time, but then simply dried out” and his potato plant is growing but seems to have stood still for a while (pics above).

It’s funny as we’re having problems on some of the seedlings on our windowsill too, we’ve got some chilli and tomato seedlings and they are not doing much else after growing their seed leaves and one set of a normal leaf. There looks like there’s some sort of greenfly about but they don’t seem to be bothering any of the other sunflower seedlings or sweet peas. Any ideas?

As for his Wlad’s good mate Sergiy (UT3UFD) his banana is doing very well! It looks well healthy and so does his date palm (above). Great stuff!

We always think of Sergiy’s plant when we pass the banana plant that is in a front garden in SE23. We have no idea if bananas are supposed to survive the british weather but this one seems to! Cheers again to Wlad and Sergiy for the pics and we look forward to seeing more.

Radio (and Gardening) connects us all!

Thanks to Wlad (US7IGN) from Ukraine for getting in touch this week with some pics of his germinating dill seeds and sprouting garlic and potatoes that are all looking healthy. For some reason the old trick of cutting up seed potatoes in two so you can have two potato plants instead of one just came to mind. We are sure it was a reader of the blog who sent us that tip many moons ago.

His good friend Sergiy (UT3UFD) has now started off a date palm and he’s also got that great looking banana plant and the both are growing well. Brilliant stuff and good to hear from you Wlad, keep us up to date how the plants are getting on!

Around the garden and SE23 this week

Here’s some mad pictures from a week around the garden and one from the locality of Forest Hill. The first (below) made us think of Wlad (US7IGN) and his good friend Sergiy (UT3UFD) in Ukraine who is growing a banana plant in his apartment (post here). We are sure that this is a banana tree growing outside in a front garden in SE23. God knows how it survives the winter here, we could be wrong but it looks very much like a banana with fruit on it as well. We love the flower as it looks like someone’s carved it out of wood or it could even open up and start talking.

And the other day we were complaining that we weren’t getting much action from the courgettes (zucchini) in the raised beds until we moved a leaf and found this giant in hiding.

And in the tiny bed at the bottom of the garden there is some sort of melon (we think) and some peppers and chillies. Now it looks like there’s a self seeded cape gooseberry in there too and it’s only a tiny bed as well. A good example of square metre gardening gone wild!

Around the world, around the world – Part 2

A big shout to Jesse Yuen from the excellent North of the River Swan radio show (which is on a sabbatical for the time being) from RTM FM  presently living in Bassendean, Perth, Western Australia. He sent us some pics of a job he did yesterday taking Frangipani cuttings that he’s been drying out over the last few weeks.

We don’t really know much about the plant (aka Plumeria) apart from it grows in the subtropics, has distinctive smelling flowers and the plant can only be grown here as a houseplant. Best of luck with the cuttings Jesse, they look like trees compared to the tiny cuttings we usually take over here, blimmim’ eck!

Also a big thanks to our good friend Wlad (US7IGN) in Kyiv for sending us some more excellent pictures from a Ukrainian countryside garden (below). Cheers Wlad, some great stuff and appreciated as always!

Wild plants connect us all

Last week we received some pictures of local vegetation from our good friend Wlad (US7IGN) in Kyiv, Ukraine spotted while on his daily walk. We sadly haven’t got much knowledge when it comes to foraging but would love to know more about wild plantlife.

As for the picture Wlad sent above, these here are the same flower aren’t they? Those were seen a long while ago in the Welsh countryside (here). As far as we know from a comment posted at the time from our friend Jan, they are Yellow Toadflax. More on the plant here. Thanks for these pics Wlad as they are interesting viewing.

We’ve also just heard from Rich R in the Lake District saying he left the garden for a week and those Fox and Cubs have taken over and are a foot tall. Crazy stuff! Wild plants eh?

Plants connect us all

Big thanks to our good friend Wlad (US7IGN) in Kyiv for keeping in touch through these tough times out there and sending us some excellent pictures from a Ukrainian countryside garden.

We’re not usually the biggest rose fans here and we don’t grow any ourselves but the ones here are brilliant especially the multicoloured one at the top and that’s a nice shade of purple below and we imagine they have a great scent too.

And look at these strawberries below, now you’re talking! They look a million times better than the ones that are now well done in our back garden. Cheers Wlad for sending us the pics and they’re really appreciated.

Gardening connects us all again

We know the fish are feeding hence near the surface but the barley straw may be working in the pond. It’s been two weeks and we can see a little bit of difference as you could only see the tips of the fishes mouths before. We will keep you posted!

Big thanks to our good friend Wlad (US7IGN) in Kyiv, Ukraine for the excellent picture of one big palm tree in the glasshouse of one of the two botanical gardens there. Wlad was saying his good friend Sergiy UT3UFD (whose banana plant we’ve featured here and here) loves going there and Wlad said the thing that he personally likes when he’s also there are the tall palm trees as they are “Perfect antenna masts” brilliant Wlad! Links to both botanical gardens here and here.

Great to hear from Gerry Hectic who sent a recent pic of his pond. He was saying the water levels have gotten a little low and weeds have seemed to taken over but “I thought I’d just heard a frog croak!” Great stuff on that Gerry!

We also heard from Rich R again from the Lake District who showed us his great garden with breathtaking views at the end of March here. The picture above which locals call fox and cubs are all over his garden. He was saying the flower which is in the family Asteraceae is native to alpine regions of central and southern Europe. There is a theory that they may have been brought over by the romans alongside other plants including some fig trees in the area that are very old now. His garden is next to a roman road and about 15 miles from the west end of Hadrians Wall. Who knows but it’s interesting stuff!

Well it’s the longest day today so happy solstice to one and all and thanks to our mates all over for sending us some great pictures. We are always interested in plant and gardening related pics so do send them over!