To all balearic gardeners out there

A big thanks to our good friend Justin Patrick Moore for passing on another great horticultural-related set, this time from Mazzo called Sound for Gardening.

Reminiscent of all things Café Del Mar, chilled house and summer afternoons, this is one belter of a balearic set. Our favourite tracks are: Cloud Mattress that could be on any of the Jose Padilla cassettes from the late 1990’s, Water Based has a real Moments in Love-ness about it and Clear Sky Cold Wind is as chilled as it gets! Any balearic gardeners out there?

What else that is sound for gardening, are the two containers (above) found outside a house with a sign with “Take Me” on it earlier today. They’ll need a good clean out and a lick of paint and then they’ll be well okay for some spring bulbs. It may only be the autumn but we’re thinking of the spring! Cheers again Justin for the tunes! #keepempeeled

Postscript: We have just learnt minutes after posting this up, that the great Jose Padilla of the Café Del Mar passed away yesterday. RIP Jose Padilla. To say we’re sad is an understatement, 2020 has been such a rubbish year…