Brand new secondhand

The other day while sorting through a box of old magazines and yellowing punk fanzines we came across a piece we wrote for the good folks at Mojo Collections* (Big shout to Mark Paytress!) many moons ago. Reliving the memories of some of the best second hand record vendors from the past really made us smile. We are presently writing a piece about all the crazy things we’ve experienced while downloading MP3’s, so do look out for that as it’s looking quite lively at the moment! Below are the fine tunes that are featured in the Article.
*Please note: all prices were correct at the time of going to press. All terms and conditions apply. Remember your home is at risk if you do not keep up repayments on a mortgage or another loan secured on it.

Have you memories of a second-hand record emporium that smelt of rising damp, a sheepskin-coat wearing market stall vendor whose records had no prices on them or a favourite mail order outlet that sent you anything other than the record you wanted? A story of a great tune found between piles of such classics as Singalongamax and I missed again at your local charity shop? You once paid an arm and a leg for the Contempo – Black Jade dub LP from the Record and Tape exchange only to find Status Quo’s You’re In The Army Now 12″ when you got it out of its cardboard sleeve on the bus home. Well we would love to hear from you!