All contributions gratefully accepted (no seed too small!)

A big shout to Dr Strangedub for being the first contributor to our “Dub Gardeners of the world unite” feature last week. The next one will feature Med Dred from the sunny island of Cyprus with some nice veg (Ta to Dr Strangedub for the link up and Med Dred for saying yes). Watch this space!

You don’t have to be a dub gardener to send us your pics as we’re interested in all gardeners who like any sort of music! Just drop us an email to the address below with some images and a bit of text and we’ll do our best to feature it (windowsill, allotment or whatever you have).

We’re also on the look out for any companies who want to send us seeds, plants, even gadgets which if we like, we’ll give an honest review and pass the word on to all. If you are a company/nursery and want to send us something drop us an email to