Rhubarb and radio

We harvested the first bit of rhubarb this afternoon that we “forced” underneath the thrown out crockpot (below). It’s weird, as we were going to chuck out that slow cooker pot but then we had a eureka moment and thought “that’s an ideal forcing receptacle” or words to that effect.

Forcing prevents any light getting to the rhubarb crowns at the same time keeping them that little bit warmer during the winter months. What’s good about it is the lack of light produces those pale stalks (and yellow leaves you chuck away anyway) which are well tender and tastier than the stringy stuff you get in the early summer. Why chuck an old crockpot away when you could be eating sweet rhubarb in March!

Also Monday mornings have been a lot sweeter since we’ve discovered the Rhythm Doctor’s Waiting Room on the Tallinn stream of IDA radio here. Here’s today’s show from 8am-11am UK time featuring some great across the board tunes. Click (here) and collect some great music on a Monday morning!

It’s a spring thing!


And they’re off! It’s now officially spring, the forced rhubarb and a lonely crocus under the black plastic bucket out the back (above) are showing signs of life and the tomato seeds have started to germinate indoors (below). All we need now is some dry days and then we can start to prepare for the forthcoming months!


And to get you all in the mood for the forthcoming season here’s some tunes …


The sun sessions

That yellow thing in the sky came out again today so had ten minutes poking about the garden. It was a bit nippy but I still sowed some lettuce in the cold frame (It’s early I know but it was “leaf” day after 7am in the  biodynamic calendar so what have you got to lose, a few seeds?) and knocked off some weeds with the hoe. The big question is, will it soon be spring or have we still got the rest of the real winter to come? Who knows with this global warming lark.

if it don't fit don't force it

The forced rhubarb is starting to get on it’s way. All you do is stick a bucket (or a bucket filled with straw) over the top to keep it dark and warm, to fool the plant it’s spring and there you go  (I used the bucket the christmas tree was in.) In a few weeks it’ll be crumble and custard time I reckon.

And the overwintered garlic is looking good in their OCD uniform rows (below.) There’s overwintered onions in as well and I can’t help pulling up the immature ones and using as spring onions as they weren’t expensive at all to buy as seed onions so I got a big old bag’s worth.

clove er

Late last year I had a couple of cabbage looking plants that I had forgotten what they were, until some mates of mine said “it could be purple sprouting broccoli as that takes ages to mature” and they were right. Shouldn’t be too long before it’s ready to pick, but it’s taken a while though. I must remember to pick them before they fully flower or that’s it!

Purple rain, purple rain