A message from the south of France

A big thanks to Debby H who is out in the south of France at the moment enjoying some nice weather of around 28 degrees and there’s only been the odd day of rain since May. Picture above is the front garden with mainly self seeded/volunteer plants in the bed which looks great especially with the rocks/stones around it.
The other night she had a visit from some wild boar and as she said “They are complete vandals. They trampled down the vine (pic above), destroying a dozen bunches of tiny grapes that were just beginning to grow in the back garden. The poor thing is now a shadow of its former glory”
“They also destroyed one of the bird feeders, which was about 5 foot off the ground in a bush.” Here’s a pic of some lavender in the garden after being trampled by the boar. And we thought we had it bad in Forest Hill with the parakeets, the Ladywell heron and the foxes!
“What is good though is that the front garden is unharmed including the little lilac tree that is only about a foot tall, after about 5 years of growing (above). The soil here is like concrete and most plants die. Anything that self seeds, I allow to stay and it’s those that usually flourish.”

What is strange though is her oleander (above) is the only one in the whole region that isn’t flowering! We hope it’s a bit of a late starter and it surpises you Debby.

And Debby took some pictures of the other oleanders in her neighbourhood below.
Thanks again Debby for the great pictures and we’re always up for seeing other people’s gardens and around their locality.