In the Air Tonight

In a few hours time the intergalactic and the very interdimensional sounds of KSOL will be back in orbit on the shortwaves. The satellite of love will hopefully be keeping out of the way of the Long March 5B rocket body which is heading to earth too (we’re keeping our fingers crossed that the rocket body lands in the middle of nowhere or in the ocean).

Tune in on 3955 kHz via Channel 292 at 2200 UTC (11pm UK time). The show will also be repeated next Saturday the 15th May at the same time. Radio conditions are good this evening and if by chance you haven’t a shortwave radio give this SDR a go here.

Expect a mix called “In Orbit” from the urban spaceman One Deck Pete at about 35 mins in which’ll feature tunes by A Man Called Adam, Rubin Steiner, Rockers Interplanetary and this great tune by AVEM. #KSOL #shortwavesnotdead #shortwavelistening #channel292

And talking of good tunes here’s one we were directed to on friday by L.S.Diezel called Volume 1 that has a lovely Yabby You sample in it. #dubsnotdead

UPDATE: And here’s the studio audio of KSOL with One Deck Pete‘s “In Orbit” mix at 35 mins in.