Raking it in

Saturday was a lovely day weather-wise and as part of our “little and often” regime we got on our hands and knees (and on one of those green kneelers) and tidied up the bed by the garage. We still don’t know if the dahlias we left in over winter will be okay but we’ll have to wait and see. The cabbages that we cut just the tops off and left to regrow are still growing and giving us leaves so don’t give them up for dead when you harvest them initially. If you keep a few leaves on the plant they’ll grow again, not massively but enough for some cabbage leaves to go with your Sunday dinner.

Sadly we had a fish fatality this morning so after a quick burial, the pond’s fountain was put back in, the oxygenating plants thinned out and the remaining fish fed. We think we may also have a leak in there so after topping the pond up a little we will be keeping our eyes on it.

And finally we gave the lawn it’s first cut of the season utilising the Westminster Council spring grass cutting (WCSGC) method. Mow it once on the longest cut, then a medium cut and then after that give it a right old short cut. We know it’s longwinded and a pain but it sure beats the mower getting stuck and leaving some nasty looking marks on the grass that’ll take a while to recover. Here’s to some sunshine and a little rain this week to get the grass off to a good start.