Tuesday’s test transmission calling

Tune in tomorrow afternoon Tuesday 27th July to the KTMS summer test transmission transmitted via Channel 292 on 6070 kHz at 1700 UTC (6pm UK time) which will be repeated next week on Tuesday 3rd August at the same time. If you’ve no shortwave radio click here.

Expect the usual strange tones, interval signals and 1970’s TV test transmissions plus a mix called “Shortwave’s not dead” from One Deck Pete with tracks by Gentle Friendly, Madtone, Afterlife and Holger Czukay. There is always something interesting on shortwave radio especially tomorrow afternoon!

Shortwave’s not dead (it’s not even knackered)

It’s a few weeks away but here’s news of the summer test transmission from KMTS. It’s going to be transmitted via Channel 292 on 6070 kHz at 1700 UTC (6pm UK time) on Tuesday 27th July and repeated the week after on Tuesday 3rd August. If you’ve no shortwave radio tune in here.

Expect the usual strange tones, interval signals and 1970’s test card classics plus a mix called “Shortwave’s not dead” from One Deck Pete with tracks by Gentle Friendly, Madtone, Afterlife and Holger Czukay (above). For a taste of what’s to come have a listen to the first test transmission from KMTS broadcast last December.

And here’s one of the radio related tunes broadcast on that transmission from the great Triptica.