Everyone loves a poppy

We’ve just received a picture from Wlad (US7IGN) in Kyiv, of a volunteer/self seeded poppy he saw while walking in a park. We also need found out that Wlad has a new book out here which is a continuing story of his life in Ukraine. More on his first book here.

His picture made us take a few photographs ourselves of our own poppies. Our poppies are dotted around the front and back garden. Some are self-seeded but most are the results of our anarchic “chuck the seeds anywhere” method where they are usually scattered not far from where we open the packet.

The above are the poppies that are in the pots wired up to the very strange wooden coat hanger thing (below) we found in the street many moons ago here.

Other people would have sawed it up and used it for firewood not us, we attached some plant pots to it.

And one that just appeared in the front garden (above). Did we sow it or was it the birds, who knows?