MC Hammer Price

Thanks to our good friend across the (big garden) pond Justin Patrick Moore for finding this brilliant game in a thrift store in Cincinnati this morning and mailing the picture over pronto. It’s very much in keeping with our last post about Antiques Roadshow and doesn’t the bloke putting in a bid put you in mind of Private Walker from Dad’s Army (below)?

We do love a thift store/second hand/charity shop here and we’re always up for seeing any charity shop finds from the best to the worst. Seen any overpriced Max Bygraves records at your local charity shop or some old net curtains that are more expensive than new ones? If so, take a snap and send us a picture. We will not name the shop and keep the location anonymous so they’ll be no comebacks. And going back to auctions, here’s a bit of fast chat business…

4 thoughts on “MC Hammer Price

  1. OMG! I used to play Masterpiece with my Mum, Dad and Sister when i was a kid. Love that game of a Saturday evening! Good times!

      • I showed my Sis and she said “Amazing. We learned a lot about famous paintings from playing that and the artists too! It’s one of the reasons we are so sophisticated and cultered. 🤣🤣🤣”

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