Rising to the top

It’s only been around a week and the seeds on the kitchen windowsill are now starting to germinate. How good is that? The plastic tray and cover that gets dumped at the bottom of the garden for most of the winter is well valuable for starting off the plants indoors, then as the spring progresses we move the plastic cover over seeds we’ve sowed outside so it’s worth its weight in gold.

The first to show their heads are the Longest Leek trial seeds we got free from Medwyn’s, we are hoping they’ll be of the Jack and the Beanstalk type variety but they cost us nothing so we’re happy of whatever we’ll get. Next to them are some Chamomile which we’ve never grown before and we’re trying Dyer’s Chamomile too. It’s good to experiment in the garden! Best of luck to everyone who’s also sowing stuff, send us in your pics and we’ll post them up!


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